Pokemon Go Tips and Tricks

Friday, August 05, 2016

Pokemon Go Tips

Here's a compilation of some useful hints, tips and tricks for the new augmented reality game, Pokemon Go. These tips were submitted by Xenivid, Mokin, site staff and others.
  • Curve ball - To throw a curve ball you can shake the ball in a circular motion until it sparkles, this will give the throw a lot of spin so it might take some getting used to.
  • The egg menu is swiped to from your Pokemon menu. You have one permanent incubator but you can obtain disposable ones with limited uses to hatch multiple eggs at the same time. You need to walk to hatch eggs (driving will not work unless you are crawling at like 10 Mp/h)
  • Different moves - Pokemon of the same species can have different moves The color of the circle when you are catching a Pokemon reveals the difficult of catching it (green/yellow/orange/red)
  • Choosing a faction - Once you are level five you choose a faction by entering any gym. This decides what color your gyms are, ALL gyms of your faction color are allies, the grayish gyms are unclaimed, ALL other gyms are rivals.
  • Training - Fighting an allied gym is called "training", you can lose etc here but your Pokemon cannot faint in training and winning gives you a bit of exp and prestige for you gym. Losing in a rival gym faints your Pokemon and they can only be revived with items.

Pokemon Go Tips and Tricks

  • Prestige is best thought of as life points for your gym. If a rival faction beats your gym enough times you run out and are evicted from the gym which becomes up for grabs again.
  • You can only place one Pokemon per player in a gym, so if you have friends you can stack a strong team in a single gym to protect your turf.
  • When your gym is defeated and the Pokemon in it are evicted they return to your party.
  • Type does matter (Electric beats water) though there seems to be some hidden values as well for things like how fast a Pokemon attacks, Seadra in particular is really OP feeling.
  • Battery Usage - In the 4 hours I played I used about 80% of my iPhone 5s' battery and only 23MB of data. If possible, bring at least a ~6000mAh battery pack. This will give you 4x the battery life that you normally would have. Obviously, if you can afford to get anything higher, do so.
  • Stardust is a currency used to power up any Pokemon, it is acquired by catching any Pokemon. Catching a Pokemon for the first time or with special throws will give you a bonus.

Pokemon Go Tips

  • Pokemon that have an XS means they are small.
  • Candies are a currency used to power up and/or evolve a Pokemon. It is acquired by catching Pokemon or transferring them to Prof. Willow. (One candy per) You will only get candies of the species of Pokemon in either method and the species' candy can be used on evolutions (A nidoran candy can be used to power up a nidorino/nidoking).
  • Wild Pokemon are visible to all local players, while Pokemon that you attract with an incense drop are only visible to you.
  • Pokestops recharge every 5 minutes with no daily limits.
  • Collecting Rewards - If you have Pokemon occupying a gym, you can collect rewards! Go to Shop, and on the top right you will see a circle with a number on it. The number reflects how many Pokemon are occupying gyms. You get 10 Pokecoins per Pokemon and 500 stardust each. You can only "cash out" once every 21 hours. Credit to ArturPrakapas
  • You can only cash in on 10 gyms max for a total of 100 pokecoins and 5000 stardust Credit to Xeroith
Pokemon Go Tips

  • Evolving a Pokemon when caught at a higher level will give you an evolved Pokemon with higher max stats than evolving a Pokemon you caught at a lower level.
  • You cannot drop or sell eggs and have a limit of 9.
  • Always try to keep as close to 9 eggs as possible, and burn through them before going to Pokestops to replenish.
  • Ultra Balls - After level 20 you get access to Ultra Balls (level 12 = Great Ball).
  • XP Scale Requirement - After level 20 the XP req scales insanely high (19-20=25k, 20-21=50k, 21-22=75k totals required).
  • Always try and stack XP eggs with Evolves, KM eggs, and adding new Pokemon to your codex.
  • Anything that has a red circle, use berries and highest level Pokeball (its most of the time worth it).
  • Your berries are only active for one Pokeball catch attempt. If you fail, make sure you recast another berry.
  • Catch Everything - Even the Pidgeys and Ratatta. Just stock up on them and trade them all in for candies to spam evolves for XP (while using your XP egg!).
  • Avoid gym battles unless you're sure you can hold them long enough to get the daily bonus consistently. They don't offer enough XP to waste time/consumables on them. Focus on building up your Pokemon legion and grinding Stardust.
  • Turn off AR - It may look cool, but it's just a gimmick and doesn't grant you anything extra.

If you have any of your own hints, tips or tricks for Pokemon GO, or if you find incorrect information that needs fixing, please submit them in the comments below. This page will be updated over time to include more tip so check back soon. If you found any of the tips helpful, please consider sharing this page.

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