Most Overrated Video Games Ever

Monday, September 21, 2015

1. Call of Duty

Crud, at my school all I hear is call of duty is the best game ever, get it. So I first look at IGN reviews and it got a 9.4 out of 10 for bo2. I wasn't sure if I wanted to get the game so I borrowed it from my cousins. I beat up the campaign on veteran on the 1st try. I analyzed the game's multiplayer, zombies and campaign. Multiplayer gets a 3/10. Boring and repetitive. Campaign 1/10 Bad storyline and 6 hours is not worth a $60 game. Seriously! The guns seem all the same, like smgs, assault rifles, and light machine guns. There is no difference! Zombies 2/10, shoot, shoot shoot, reload. Gets old fast. But the worst part of it is the fanbase. Call of Duty fan:Ya Call of Duty IS TH best, GUNS AND****** DESTYRCTION MTLPYER IS the BRST AND POOKEMN IS***** FOR ****** DS BAYBYS.
Turns out 7 year olds play this game yelling cuss words through a mic.M+83
Nothing interesting or classic about this game or franchise. Just the same crap EVERY year with updated graphics.M+74
I used to be OK with Call of Duty, then it all happened. I found a rubbish channels named Codsvvag. By what I can tell, 7 year old are playing this darn game. Hell, even my dad plays it. Everyone that Call of Duty is horrible and it will always be since losers taken over the planet with Activison as a ally. It sold over 9000 copies in each game's first month. (no kidding)
2. Angry Bird

How did this game get so popular? Sure its good technically, however it is so unoriginal it's a surprise people think more of this game than any other indie game out there.M+43
This is one of the most repetitive games I have ever played. There are tons of games similar to angry birds that deserve more popularity. The games are also released more than once but yet people still buy them why?! -Logan_WolbertM+32
I was going to choose a call of duty game because of obvious reasons but when I saw this I knew immediately, mostly because of the MASSIVE boner people have literally rubbed numb on this stupid game. I've seen this form of game many times and many years before this particular version called angry birds came out. Its outdated and overrated. - TheCamoGhostM+21
I Hate This Game. It Should Be Number One!
3. Minecraft

I am a true lover of Minecraft yet I can still recognize that it's overrated. The game really only appeals to those who participate in one of mankind's greatest abilities: building stuff. That's the basis of the game with some survival elements and unfortunately, more and more RPG elements. I stopped updating after 1.3.2 because I had enough of that bull.

The idiots below me are but simple haters who refuse to understand why someone could like this game. It's "a ripoff of legos", yet LEGO actually ripped off someone else, and they ripped off bricks. Anyways, Minecraft is similar to LEGOs in one way: you build. And that's not something you can rip off.

As for the graphics, I'm sure they were beta graphics but weren't updated because either A)Notch didn't care and/or B)they were reminiscent of the good ol' days. I personally like the 8-bit graphics and they're much quicker to load, the game couldn't handle more advanced graphics since EVERY THING IS INTRACTABLE.

One thing I love about this game is how it creates such predicaments for you, as if the game hates you and just wants you to die. But these situations often require quick thinking. Except nowadays, if you have armor, you just win.

All in all, I love this game and its awkward animation cycles and freedom. It is massively overrated as some people prefer to have a goal preset for them and aren't content with doing whatever they want.

Also, that person below me might as well said "this game isn't bad, but the most basic games of all time are infinitely times better"M+44
I don't understand why anyone would like this game. First of all, nothing exciting ever happens. You dig around, fight the same 6 enemies, and then you build stuff. It consumes more time than almost any other video game, and it doesn't even have skills or levels besides making better armor and weapons. Even then, there isn't anything to do with all that stuff. You only need armor and weapons to fend off those same repetitive enemies. There isn't any goal within the game. All you do is build and add on to whatever you build, then build something else. There is no story, no characters to get attached to, not even a diversity in weapon choice. As for the graphics, I don't care about those. There are far better games with graphics like like, and they were all made 20 or more years ago. Yet even with all of this, people are still obsessed with this game. I wouldn't care except I can't escape this damn game. It's everywhere on YouTube, Xbox and people even talk about it all the time. I think it's time that everyone stops caring about this game. Life would be a lot less annoying if they did.M+6
I see your point, but you begin with "I don't understand why anyone would like this game." It is simple, yes, but that's why people like it. Some people aren't looking for a huge story or complex game mechanics. Some people just like something simple to play with friends for a while.M+3
I don't understand why there is so much videos on YouTube about minecraft.M+37
Fandom is the worst in this
4. Halo

Not a bad game, just ridiculously overrated. - moose4life19M+58
I couldn't agree more and I happen to play it for nostalgia, nothing more. - SephilinM+1
When Halo first came out, it was without a doubt THE coolest video game I owned. The story was immersive, the firefights were exciting, the enemies were incredible and the first contact with the flood was horrifying. Halo Combat evolved had this sense of mystery about it that no other FPS game I had ever owned could emulate... The wide variety of weapons, vehicles, and characters was mind blowing to me and I also loved that there was a slight horror element to Halo: CE. Keep in mind I was 10 when I first played so it did not take much to scare me. Then Halo 2 Came out... It felt forced, the plot twist were confusing and to be honest not that much fun to be dragged through. The slight element of horror that I thoroughly enjoyed was replaced with aggravation and impatience trying to wade through the annoying wave after wave of flailing armed Flood. I'm pretty sure they must've realized the exploding flood looked like a scrotum... then three came out... lets just say I'm glad it had a lot of multiplayer options and the introduction to forge mode. After that there is nothing new or exciting halo has to offer. Microsoft is just milking every nickel and penny out of the franchise because they know that the fans will still always be loyal. Such a waste of pure potentialM+3
I mean halo is a pretty good game, probably one of the best xbox exclusives but way to overrated, too many people are like Halo rules and No game can beat haloM+20
A lot of flaws that get overlooked. Many enjoy it but that doesn't make it unassailable.
5. World of Warcraft

Way too overrated. Not fun at all. It feels and looks like a childish game. When I played the tutorial, I fell asleep at my computer. I tried to get into the game and just couldn't. I can't imagine dishing out tons of money for the constant expansions on top of the monthly fee. My friend's family lost their house due to paying for this game and in game items over their rent! - LizardbitchM+8
yes overrated and boring game - livinglegendM+18
Everything you do in this game doesn't feel fun, it feels like a task, like when your teacher gives you a worksheet, this game makes you do the same thing, get mad and say "fine I'll do it" there is no enjoyment in doing quests, it feels like a job. Not even free roaming in this game is fun, everything in this game gets boring after 10 minutes, and once I got off I never had the urge to play it again, and it's been like 10 years since thenM+2
Mediocre game in general and it's been nothing but an excuse for Blizzard to make money. I played Ragnarok Online too and it is just as boring. - Sephilin
6. Flappy Bird

This game is so stupid and overrated. The people that get angry at this game play it EVEN MORE! You might as well become an addict. Also this game ripped off all textures from Super Mario Bros. Hopefully there will be a lawsuit. - metaldude8M+24
Everyone plays this stupid FREE game, they don't know what true gaming is.M+14
This game is a boring slalom through Mario pipes, please add it.M+14
The only reason it is famous is because PewDiePie played it.
7. Five Nights at Freddy's

This game has so many plot holes and yet so much hype, where do I begin.. A problem I have with this game is that it gives you little to no motivation on why you should continue going to that same job. There's always another job you can go to earn money, The characters are lazily made, you can clearly see Bonnie is just a recolor of Freddy, just with bigger ears and he's purple. And the fandom, SWEET JESUS THE FANDOM. Everybody just bows down to their lord and savior Smike, and half of the people who make unoriginal animations for it are only famous because of the hype. So they just jump on the band wagon and whaddya know? 1 million views! I'm not going to say any names, but some of you know who the people that I'm speaking of, ugh. I really hope the third is his last, and I honestly have no idea how this isn't at least in the top 30.M+7
Ugh. Five Nights at Freddy's is taking over the world, and I hate it. Everyone talks about it. When I want to go a simple website, people are talking about that stupid Five Nights at Freddy's. I once went onto the YouTube community on Miiverse to see what's going on, but guess what? You guessed it. Five Night's at Freddy's. I shouldn't have voted for Minecraft. I should've voted for this. How is Five Nights at Freddy's only 57? Pokemon is above this, and it's not nearly talked about as much at this.M+8
While I do like this game, I will say I'm starting to get sick of it. I like these games mainly for the lore, but I can not tell you how sick I am getting on to something like Town Of Salem or Minecraft and seeing something like "Springtrap Has Joined the game" "Bonnie_The_BunBun has joined the game" "HawtChica has Joined the game" ITS GETTING REALLY OLD. I'm fine with there being sequels and what not, its just the fandom I'm getting tired of. I think the people who absolutely love this game are getting annoying. As good as they are, I'm getting sick of the songs, I'm getting sick of all the shipping fan art and all of that, and I'm getting sick of all the crappy shipping and song animations. Again, I am fine with there being sequels, its just the fandom that drives me nuts. AND don't EVEN GET ME STARTED ON ALL THE CRAPPY OC'S! All of them re not crappy but 80% are sexualized and are shipped with Foxy or something. After pouring bleach in my eyes, if I can take the game seriously it is a miracle. So is the game ok? Sure, its decent for a 5$ point and click horror game.Is it over rated? Yes it is extremely over rated, not as over rated as frozen but I'm definitely getting sick of all the ten year olds who think this game is the greatest thing to exist.M+2
Unfortunately people get tired of the game and wait for the sequel.
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